
A las barricadas!

Welcome to my first ever blog: The Anarchist Accountant. Here you can read about why I started this.

The blog is meant to be a simple observation of work, life and politics with maybe the odd bit of humour thrown in as well.

Why the ‘Anarchist Accountant’?

About me: I’m an accountant working for one of the ‘Big4’, but my politics are pretty left wing. The political theory I broadly subscribe to would closely resemble anarcho-communism or syndicalism of some sort, although I don’t particularly believe in pigeon-holing when it comes to political beliefs. I’m also self-aware enough to note that I don’t always live in a way that aligns perfectly to what I believe in: call me a hypocrite or a champagne socialist if you will, but regardless I will still advocate in my own way for a better world for the people of the world.

How can you be both an accountant and an anarchist?

Fair question, and one I challenge myself on regularly. For now, my simple answer would be that: 1) I need a job, right? The system we have in the world dictates that I need to earn a living in order to keep a roof over mine and my family’s head; 2) I fell into accountancy before really discovering anarchism and found myself in a qualified role so simply changing careers is not so, well, simple!; and 3) at least I work in an area of accountancy that (at least in theory – although not without problems) challenges the corporate world and holds them to account (no pun intended).

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