Where to start?

Welcome to my blog comrades. This is my first ever post. If you want to know a bit more about why I started it, please see here.

I wanted my first post to be quite general, and serve more as a kind of insight to future blog posts rather than cover one specific topic. The reason for that is in part because finding a starting point is difficult and a line has to be drawn somewhere, and a general introduction seemed to make more sense than a full on thought piece on day 1. It’s also in part because there is so much going on in the world right now and there is no way I can cover it all here!

In the UK alone we have the cost of living crisis, the NHS crisis and the numerous strikes going on at the minute to name just 3 topics!

It may also be interesting if any readers want to suggest areas to cover in the comments then I’d look into covering these.

As mentioned in the About page, I also don’t only want to look at politics. ‘Anarchist’ is only half the title, the other being ‘Accountant’. I therefore will be covering work life a fair bit too. Despite the title, I won’t only be covering accountancy, but that is my background so could well feature a bit. I imagine it may well be more office-work in general but I may also mention other jobs where necessary.

I’ll also be covering general life matters too: family life, consumerism, sport and the arts.

The important thing is that no matter what I discuss, it will all be viewed through the lens of an anarchist accountant.

Accounting for anarchy

Anarchy in practice…not

I also want to use this first post as a point on transparency on the financing on this site. Although I have no way of knowing how successful this will be (if at all), my intention is to promise that this blog will NEVER be anything other than free to read. I may earn some money from ads, but in all honestly I have no idea how that really works at the minute (first time website owner, hi!) and doubt I will ever reach numbers that will earn me anything significant either.

However, let’s imagine that one day this blog is really successful and I do start to earn money from the advertising and who knows, maybe some merch as well. Well my intentions for that pipe dream would simply be to use it to replace my monthly wage rather than supplement it. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet…

So again, Welcome to my blog comrades. I hope you enjoy!

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